GPyOpt.methods package


GPyOpt.methods.bayesian_optimization module

class GPyOpt.methods.bayesian_optimization.BayesianOptimization(f, domain=None, constraints=None, cost_withGradients=None, model_type='GP', X=None, Y=None, initial_design_numdata=5, initial_design_type='random', acquisition_type='EI', normalize_Y=True, exact_feval=False, acquisition_optimizer_type='lbfgs', model_update_interval=1, evaluator_type='sequential', batch_size=1, num_cores=1, verbosity=False, verbosity_model=False, maximize=False, de_duplication=False, **kwargs)


Main class to initialize a Bayesian Optimization method. :param f: function to optimize. It should take 2-dimensional numpy arrays as input and return 2-dimensional outputs (one evaluation per row). :param domain: list of dictionaries containing the description of the inputs variables (See class for details). :param constraints: list of dictionaries containing the description of the problem constraints (See class for details). :cost_withGradients: cost function of the objective. The input can be:

  • a function that returns the cost and the derivatives and any set of points in the domain.
  • ‘evaluation_time’: a Gaussian process (mean) is used to handle the evaluation cost.

type of model to use as surrogate: - ‘GP’, standard Gaussian process. - ‘GP_MCMC’, Gaussian process with prior in the hyper-parameters. - ‘sparseGP’, sparse Gaussian process. - ‘warperdGP’, warped Gaussian process. - ‘InputWarpedGP’, input warped Gaussian process - ‘RF’, random forest (scikit-learn).

  • X – 2d numpy array containing the initial inputs (one per row) of the model.
  • Y – 2d numpy array containing the initial outputs (one per row) of the model.
  • normalize_Y – whether to normalize the outputs before performing any optimization (default, True).
  • model_update_interval – interval of collected observations after which the model is updated (default, 1).
  • evaluator_type – determines the way the objective is evaluated (all methods are equivalent if the batch size is one) - ‘sequential’, sequential evaluations. - ‘random’: synchronous batch that selects the first element as in a sequential policy and the rest randomly. - ‘local_penalization’: batch method proposed in (Gonzalez et al. 2016). - ‘thompson_sampling’: batch method using Thompson sampling.
  • batch_size – size of the batch in which the objective is evaluated (default, 1).
  • num_cores – number of cores used to evaluate the objective (default, 1).
  • verbosity – prints the models and other options during the optimization (default, False).
  • maximize – when True -f maximization of f is done by minimizing -f (default, False).
  • **kwargs

    extra parameters. Can be used to tune the current optimization setup or to use deprecated options in this package release.


number of initial points that are collected jointly before start running the optimization.


type of initial design: - ‘random’, to collect points in random locations. - ‘latin’, to collect points in a Latin hypercube (discrete variables are sampled randomly.)


type of acquisition function to use. - ‘EI’, expected improvement. - ‘EI_MCMC’, integrated expected improvement (requires GP_MCMC model). - ‘MPI’, maximum probability of improvement. - ‘MPI_MCMC’, maximum probability of improvement (requires GP_MCMC model). - ‘LCB’, GP-Lower confidence bound. - ‘LCB_MCMC’, integrated GP-Lower confidence bound (requires GP_MCMC model).


whether the outputs are exact (default, False).


type of acquisition function to use. - ‘lbfgs’: L-BFGS. - ‘DIRECT’: Dividing Rectangles. - ‘CMA’: covariance matrix adaptation.


The parameters bounds, kernel, numdata_initial_design, type_initial_design, model_optimize_interval, acquisition, acquisition_par model_optimize_restarts, sparseGP, num_inducing and normalize can still be used but will be deprecated in the next version.

GPyOpt.methods.modular_bayesian_optimization module

class GPyOpt.methods.modular_bayesian_optimization.ModularBayesianOptimization(model, space, objective, acquisition, evaluator, X_init, Y_init=None, cost=None, normalize_Y=True, model_update_interval=1, de_duplication=False)


Modular Bayesian optimization. This class wraps the optimization loop around the different handlers.

  • model – GPyOpt model class.
  • space – GPyOpt space class.
  • objective – GPyOpt objective class.
  • acquisition – GPyOpt acquisition class.
  • evaluator – GPyOpt evaluator class.
  • X_init – 2d numpy array containing the initial inputs (one per row) of the model.
  • Y_init – 2d numpy array containing the initial outputs (one per row) of the model.
  • cost – GPyOpt cost class (default, none).
  • normalize_Y – whether to normalize the outputs before performing any optimization (default, True).
  • model_update_interval – interval of collected observations after which the model is updated (default, 1).
  • de_duplication – instantiated de_duplication GPyOpt class.

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